Are you bothered about the best school after completion of basic stage for your child? Well, it can be a bit tedious looking for schools with good ofsted rating, it can be tricky atimes thinking some schools are better than the other due to popularity, and historical record. Neveretheless rating never give a lie.
We have compiled Best 10 Colleges in Gloucester for ease of identification and location. Why not grab a pop of corn and enjoy your search as we take you through the best of the best schools in Gloucester.
1. The Crypt School
The Crypt School is a selective boys’ grammar school with a specialist status in science and languages. Success is underpinned by a strong culture of learning and an ethos of high aspiration and equality of opportunity. The effectiveness of the sixth form is good.
The following comment illustrates the high esteem in which the school is held by parents and carers, staff and students alike: ’The school inspires and motivates everyone.’ Students’ achievement is outstanding. Teaching is outstanding.
Teachers are passionate about their teaching and use skilful questioning to challenge students and make them think. Monitoring and evaluation of students’ progress are carried out very rigorously and, along with the outstanding curriculum, ensure that over time the needs and interests of all students are met very effectively.
Address: The Crypt School, Podsmead Rd, Gloucester, GL2 5AE
Tel: 01452 530291
Email: enquiries@crypt.gloucs.sch.uk
Website: https://www.cryptschool.org/
2. OneSchool Global Gloucester Campus
This is an independent school with a vibrant atmosphere, good results and a clear vision for the future. The board of trustees work closely with the teachers to provide an education that meets the needs of all learners within our non-selective intake.
The school has a Christian ethos and a strong community feel where students, parents, employees, trustees and other stakeholders have a sense of belonging and ownership.
Address: OneSchool Global Gloucester Campus, Gloucester GL4 3DB, United Kingdom
Email: support@uk.oneschoolglobal.com
Telephone; +44 330 055 5600
Website: https://www.oneschoolglobal.com/
3. King’s School
No. 3 on our list of Best 10 Colleges in Gloucester is King’s School. King’s was one of the seven famous Cathedral Schools established by Henry VIII in 1541. Today, it has become a thriving, forward-thinking, independent day school with over 600 pupils.
Boys and girls, aged 3 to 18 are welcome. King’s school offer academic excellence and a celebrated range of extra-curricular activities, underpinned by outstanding pastoral care.
With small class sizes and inspiring teachers, King’s offers a vibrant culture of endeavour and scholarship in a stunning historic setting adjacent to Gloucester Cathedral. As a result, the school has a special sense of identity which encourages strong moral values and a powerful feeling of community.
King’s aims to stimulate all pupils to the greatest possible academic, creative and extra-curricular achievement by encouraging the exploration of a wide range of cultural, intellectual and sporting activities.
The unique features of King’s, which visitors identify time and again, are the inclusive community, the warmth of welcome and the level of individual care for our pupils.
Address: King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7836 5454
Website: https://www.kcl.ac.uk
4. Marling school
This is an outstanding school. Students make excellent progress and their attainment is well above average. The school uses assessment information very well so that all students are fully challenged.
Achievement for all groups of students, including the most able and the few supported by additional government pupil premium funding, is outstanding. Teaching also is outstanding. Students are empowered to learn by the many opportunities they have to work independently and in groups.
Lessons are usually well paced and challenging and maintain a strong focus on learning. Mature, considerate behaviour is the norm. Students’ highly positive approach to their studies ensures classrooms are excellent places to learn.
Telephone: 01453 762251
Website: https://www.marling.gloucs.sch.uk/
5 Wystones school
A Wynstones education is centred on each child’s academic, social, moral and creative potential and growth. Wynstones values excellence and independent thinking, and seeks to shape rounded, free-thinking, open and resilient people who make a valuable contribution to their communities and the world. It is a good school you can give a try.
Address: Wynstones School, Church Lane, Whaddon, Gloucestershire, GL4 0UF
Telephone: 01452 429220
Email: info@wynstones.com
Website: https://www.wynstones.com/
6 Balcarras School
Balcarras School is larger than the average-sized secondary school. It became a teaching school in May 2012. There are 20 schools in the partnership. The school provides initial teacher education training through the school direct route. Standards are high.
They are well above national averages and continue to rise. Academic information is used well by teachers to support and guide students. Skills are taught at a pace that suits the learner. Discussions between students are of high quality, and encourage them to think deeply.
Effective literacy skills are encouraged in all subjects and contribute to the high standards. Students demonstrate outstanding behaviour in lessons and around the school. They want to be in lessons and to learn. They are eager to take part in all that the school offers. Attendance is well above average.
Students and staff alike appreciate being at school. Almost all students take part in at least one after school activity. There is a pervasive culture of enjoying learning. The focus on individual effort is reflected in the high quality of displays. Students are very safe in school.
The quality of teaching, leadership and what the school provides is exceptional. Students gain a very high standard in examinations.
Address: Balcarras School, East End Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 8QF
Telephone:01242 515881
Email: admin@balcarras.gloucs.sch.uk
Website: https://www.balcarras.gloucs.sch.uk/

7 Churchdown School
Churchdown School is a good school with improving attainment. It is not yet outstanding because attainment and progress are uneven as not all teaching is good or better.
Nevertheless, it still makes the No.7 position of the Best 10 Colleges in Gloucester because the leaders in the school have developed a rigorous approach to the development of teaching and learning and have a clear understanding of the school priorities.
Performance management is effective and so strategies to raise attainment and increase the proportion of good and outstanding teaching are effective.
There is a wide range of opportunities for personal development and academic success. Students are excellent role models in the school, they contribute a great deal to school life and behaviour in the sixth form is outstanding.
Address: Churchdown School Academy, Winston Road, Churchdown, GL3 2RB
Telephone: 01452 713340
Email: school@churchdownschool.com
Website: https://www.churchdownschool.com/
8 Dene Magna School
This is an outstanding school. The school leaders’ unwavering commitment to improvement at all levels ensures that students’ achievement is high. No matter what their starting point and irrespective of special needs or any disability, students make rapid progress.
There have been rapid improvements in the progress that students make in English since the dip in results in 2012. Teaching is outstanding and assessment is used extremely well to ensure lesson tasks meet the learning needs of all students.
The governing body provides excellent governance of the school and, through rigorous review of all activities, ensures that there is a very good balance of challenge and support. Students’ behaviour is exemplary and students flourish within a very supportive, caring and safe environment.
The outstanding curriculum meets the different needs of students very well, although the literacy programme is better developed in Key Stage 3 than in Key Stage 4.
Address: Dene Magna School, Abenhall Road, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire GL17 0DU
Telephone: 01594 542370
Email: reception@denemagna.gloucs.sch.uk
Website: https://www.denemagna.co.uk/
9 Sir Thomas Rich’s School
Sir Thomas Rich’s School is oversubscribed. The main school is smaller than average but it has a large sixth form. Girls make up about 30% of the sixth form students. The school has specialist language and science status.
The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds at the school is higher than in the local population. The proportion of students identified as having additional learning needs is below average Key for inspection grades Grade 1 Outstanding Grade 2 Good Grade 3 Satisfactory Grade 4 Inadequate.
Address: Sir Thomas Rich’s School, Oakleaze, Longlevens, Gloucester GL2 0LF
Telephone: 01452 338400
Email: info@strs.org.uk
Website: https://strschool.co.uk/
10 The Cotswold Academy
And lastly on our list of Best 10 Colleges in Gloucester is The Cotswold Academy. Here, Teachers have high expectations of all students, regardless of their ability. They plan lessons that engage and challenge students, and use questioning to deepen understanding, so that students achieve at the highest level.
Achievement is outstanding. At GCSE, the proportion of students gaining five A* to C grades, including English and mathematics, is well above the national average.
The academy’s strong partnerships with universities, colleges of further education and industry provide students with excellent opportunities to pursue careers of their choice.
Well-qualified teaching assistants play an effective part in students’ learning in most lessons. However, there are a few occasions when their expertise is not used fully, and they are not always clear about their role in supporting students.
Address: The Cotswold Academy, 24 Thomas Street, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2BD
Telephone: 01285 885 122
Email: info@cotswoldacademy.co.uk
Website: https://www.cotswoldacademy.co.uk/
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