It is often said that ‘once the foundation of a thing is destroyed, what can the righteous do.’ The beginning of a thing will determine how the end will be.
When a house is solidly built, it can withstand every destructive wind violence, but it is easily carried away like sand in the ocean when it is not. The early years of a child matter a lot, and it is recommended that the child is giving a good foundation to lay on.
And here is the deal, we have highlighted the Best 10 Primary Schools in Gloucester for easy selection of the dream foundation you desire for your child.
Best 10 Primary Schools in Gloucester

1. Harewood Primary School
Harewood Junior School is located in Tuffley, Gloucester, and falls under the local authority of Gloucestershire. This mixed-sex primary school has 331 pupils, with a capacity of 315, aged from seven up to eleven, and the type of establishment is foundation school.
The most recent Ofsted inspection was on 15th January 2014, resulting in a good rating. The school believes that every child has the potential to achieve and therefore ensures this through a rich and varied curriculum and the structured teaching of key skills, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy, matched to the needs of each child.
Working in partnership with parents, pastoral care and provision of extra-curricular activities support each child’s personal, social and emotional development as well as their academic progress; so that by the time the children leaves the school, they are well-prepared to face the new challenges of secondary school and are ready to take their place in our 21st-century society, in an ever-changing world.
2. Dinglewell Junior School
Dinglewell Junior School is located in Hucclecote, Gloucester, and falls under the local authority of Gloucestershire. This mixed-sex primary school has 356 pupils, with a capacity of 360, aged from seven up to eleven, and the type of establishment is a community school.
The most recent Ofsted inspection was on 21st November 2013, resulting in a good rating.
3. Fieldcourt junior school
This is a larger-than-average-sized junior school. Most pupils are from White British backgrounds, but a small number speak English as an additional language. This is an outstanding school. Pupils’ attainment is above average by the end of Year 6.
They achieve exceptionally well, making very rapid progress in all-year groups in English and mathematics. Pupils use their excellent reading, writing, and mathematics skills to effectively support their learning in different subjects. Outstanding teaching helps pupils to learn extremely rapidly.
Teachers inspire pupils to do well. They ensure that they fulfill their potential and develop a genuine love of learning. Pupils’ behavior is impeccable. They are polite, well-mannered, and take on responsibilities very sensibly. They feel very safe and get on very well together.
4. St. peter’s catholic primary school
The school was rebuilt two years ago on the existing site and is very light and attractive, with ample open spaces to support learning.
This is a good school, and it takes the number 4 position of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Gloucester due to the Standard in reading and mathematics, which are above the national averages in all year groups and broadly in line with national averages in writing.
Pupils make good progress in their learning and the proportions making more than expected progress in reading and mathematics is much higher than the national average. It is not yet an outstanding school because A small minority of pupils are not making the same accelerated progress in writing as they are in reading and mathematics.
5. Finlay Community School
This is a good school. A good and effective provision in the Reception class helps pupils settle quickly and make good progress, especially in their personal and social skills. Achievement is good. Pupils make good progress from low starting points, and attainment at the end of Year 6 is average in reading, writing, and mathematics.
6. Elmbridge primary school
The school was formed in April 2016 due to the merger of a junior and an infant school. The infant school had been judged to be inadequate in an inspection in 2014. Nevertheless, This is a good school. Leaders place pupils’ personal growth and academic development at the heart of everything they do.
Their high emphasis on pupils’ physical and emotional well-being ensures pupils’ readiness to learn. The headteacher leads with determination and has inspired the school team. Consequently, all staff shares his drive to ensure that pupils are highly motivated and engaged in their learning.
7. Coney Hill community primary school
This is an outstanding school. Children enter school with skills well below the levels expected for their age and leave at the end of Year 6 with high attainment. Achievement is outstanding because they have consistently made exceptional progress throughout their seven years in school.
Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage quickly develop a wide range of skills and catch up rapidly in all the areas of learning.
Outstanding teaching over time ensures that children are encouraged in what they learn and are supported through the dedication and expertise of all teachers and teaching assistants to exceed expected progress, including disabled pupils and those with special educational needs.
8. Meadowside Primary School
Meadowside Primary School is a unique primary school with a family atmosphere. The school was opened in September 2000, and they work to create a strong culture in the community.
They strive to give children opportunities to thrive as ‘Meadowside Ambassadors’ through their curriculum design, outstanding pastoral care, and charity and community projects.
They have high expectations and are proud of their ethos of inclusion and creativity. Meadowside provides the opportunity for children to become interested in their school and the broader world’s main environmental issues.
9. Innsworth Junior School
Located in rookery road, Ainsworth, Gloucester GL3 1AX DIRECTIONS. Established in 1958, Innsworth Junior School is proud of the inclusive and welcoming environment they provide.
Their school is an inclusive group composed of the Imjin Barracks’ local children and families. They offer a wide variety of opportunities and services, but they believe their greatest asset is their children. Every day, they choose a hot meal, including vegetarian options for all children’s and meals are prepared fresh and delivered.
10. Slimbridge Primary School
And the last on our list of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Gloucester is Slimbridge Primary School. It is a happy and loving school committed to offering the best start to education for children.
They opened the school to teach the children of Slimbridge and Cambridge. Their strong staffs, governors, and volunteers help their children become confident learners who understand the world as an exciting place full of opportunities. Their pupils receive the best education in a safe and friendly environment.
Happy Reading.
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