Add educational depth to a child’s Harrow experience by choosing the right study destination. Cut to the chase with this list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Harrow.
Nothing beats the top-of-the-hill experience you get from visiting, let alone making Harrow city of London a living destination. This experience is one every child gets to relish for a long, long time, especially with the prevalence of pottery painting to canvases in Harrow, amongst other extracurricular activities.
Beyond all these fun facts about Harrow, a factor that makes the large town in Greater London more exciting for the average child living in Harrow is the choice of the right primary school. This is so important as several schools have pretty excellent offset ratings to pick from, making it an effort-intensive process.
The good news is; if the choice of the right primary school for that child or ward is achieved in Harrow, there is no telling what height the child can reach in learning. Make childhood education memorable by choosing from these statistically proven lists of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Harrow.

- 1. Vaughan Primary School
- 2. Stanburn Primary School
- 3. St. Anselm’s Catholic Primary School
- 4. St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery
- 5. Newton Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School
- 6. Marlborough Primary School
- 7. St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School
- 8. St. George’s Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy
- 9. West Lodge Primary School
- 10. East Lane Primary School
1. Vaughan Primary School
The first outstanding school on this helpful list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Harrow is Vaughan Primary School. The school is located at The Gardens, Vaughan Road, West Harrow, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 4EL. It was rated ‘outstanding’ after a routine inspection by Ofsted in February 2019.
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Vaughan Primary School is a three-form entry primary school with its on-site nursery provision, accommodating up to 658 children.
Students at this beautiful school are well trained, approachable, enthusiastic, and most importantly, ambitious when it comes to academic achievement. The students treat each other with love and respect, just like the examples laid down by the teachers.
The community school offers admission to boys and girls of ages 3 to 11. The school has a competent team of qualified and experienced teachers who are always working hard to give the young ones quality education and guidance to help them cultivate and nurture their true potentials.
Contact Information
Phone Number: 02084277222
Email: office@vaughan.harrow.sch.uk
Website: https://www.vaughan.harrow.sch.uk/
Twitter: @VaughanPrimary
Headteacher: Mrs Karen Jones
2. Stanburn Primary School
Next on our school is Stanburn Primary School, a state school for boys and girls aged 4 to 11. The school has 812 beautiful pupils who are well-mannered and respectful. It is located at Abercorn Road, Stanmore, HA7 2PJ.
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The mixed school consists of 52.4% boys and 47.6% girls. It was formed in January 2014 due to the amalgamation of Stanburn First School and Stanburn Junior School.
It strives to create a warm and welcoming environment where the children can learn peacefully and enthusiastically. It is regarded as one of the most vibrant primary schools in the whole of England.
Rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted after a routine inspection in January 2017, Starburn is a thriving primary school that is currently part of the first phase of the local authority’s expansion programme of primary schools. The school aims to become a four-entry school in the nearest future.
Contact Information
Phone Number: 020 8954 1423
Fax: 020 8954 9912
Website: https://www.stanburn.harrow.sch.uk/
Email: office@stanburn.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @StanburnPrimary
Headteacher: Mrs. C. Landsdown
3. St. Anselm’s Catholic Primary School
Located at Church Avenue, Southall, St. Anselm’s is a two-form entry primary school that has high standards for academic achievement with progress that is consistently higher than the local and national average. Its mission statement is ‘Learning and growing together through prayer, belief, and love’.
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This exceptional school believed that each child is special in their way and therefore provides them with a safe and nurturing environment where they can blossom and live up to their true potentials. It has strong community links, and it is famous for its ‘hands-on’ approach when it comes to educating the young ones.
The school’s competent team of staff strives to inculcate good behaviour and proper manners in the children through the teachings of Jesus.
The Christ-centred community aims to develop the young ones not just academically but also spiritually and morally as it believes in educating the ‘whole child. The school’s motto, ‘We are called to serve, to walk humbly with God’, is evident in all its activities as it works to put the children on the right path so they can become upstanding members of the community.
Contact Information
Phone Number: 020 8422 1600
Website: http://www.st-anselms.harrow.sch.uk/
Email: office@st-anselms.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @StAnSelmsHA1
Headteacher: Mrs. Maria O’Connell
4. St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery
Ranking fourth on our carefully compiled list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Harrow is a small school with a big heart. St. Teresa’s is a vibrant Catholic school that offers admission to children aged 3 to 7 years. It is located at Everton Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 4BT.
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The diverse learning community is a voluntary aided school rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted after a routine inspection in May 2018. It strives to provide a top-notch education for the young ones in a warm and safe environment where each child is valued and catered for indiscriminately.
It also engages the children in rewarding extracurricular activities such as sports, excursions, etc. The children are taught through a challenging and stimulating curriculum to help them grow intellectually.
The school’s staff team serves as wonderful role models for the children, and they are always available to guide the children toward a better path in life. Students of this great school are well-mannered and polite, and they treat each other with love and respect just like their teachers have taught them.
Contact Information
Phone Number: 020 8428 8640
Website: https://www.st-teresas.harrow.sch.uk/
Email: schooloffice@st-teresas.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @StTerasasHarrow
Headteacher: Mrs. Laura Thornton
5. Newton Farm Nursery, Infant and Junior School
Located at Ravenswood Crescent, South Harrow, HA2 9JU, Newton Farm is a mixed school with 46.6% boys and 53.4% girls. It was rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted after an inspection in June 2008.
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The one form entry school has received numerous awards for being an excellent learning institute. It believes that each child has unique potential and has a solid capacity to improve and become great in life.
It has a beautiful and colourful environment that motivates the students to aim higher and never settle for anything less than success. The community school is a strong pillar of the community.
Students of this beautiful school are taught to be independent, courageous, and self-reliant. They are purposefully engaged in a wide range of imaginative activities that help widen their scope of knowledge. They are also actively encouraged to always believe in themself and their capacity for academic success.
Contact Information
Telephone: 0208 864 8081
Fax: 0208 864 0026
Website: https://www.newtonfarm-harrow.co.uk/
Email: office@newtonfarm.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @NewtonFarmPS
Headteacher: Mr. Matthew Bradley
6. Marlborough Primary School
The first school on the other half of this list is Marlborough Primary School. This happy and thriving school is fully invested in encouraging and helping young ones learn effectively and achieve academic success. It is located at Marlborough Road, Sulgrave, Washington, Tyne and Wear, NE37 3BG.
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With the motto ‘Bright minds, Bright Futures’, Marlborough strives to make its school a warm and safe environment where the students can achieve anything they set their minds to.
It firmly believes in educating the whole child by developing the students in all aspects of life. This wonderful learning centre is regarded as one of the best primary schools in England.
The school prides itself in providing the students with the highest standard of education in the whole of England. It believes in working closely together with parents to ensure the success of the students.
It engages the children through lots of stimulating activities that help develop and expand the mind of the young ones. Children who are lucky enough to enrol in this beautiful school usually thrive thrive in the next stage of their education.
Contact Information
Telephone: 020 8427 3087
Website: https://marlboroughprimary.school
Email: office@marlborough.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @MarlboroughPrim
School Business Manager: Mrs J Mierzejewski
Headteacher: Mrs S Pollard
7. St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School
Located at Melrose Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5RA, St. John Fisher is a two entry form entry Catholic Primary School that caters to children between 3 and 11. The school’s vision is to create a community where children and adults achieve their full potential and shine.
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By treating every student with respect and dignity, the school strives to nurture and develop bright, young minds who will grow up to become mature, self-reliant, and well-mannered young adults.
Everyone is valued at St. John regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religious background. The school works tirelessly to raise the standard of education by providing the necessary tools needed to succeed.
St. John Fisher uses a broad and challenging curriculum to deliver quality lectures engagingly and creatively to create a learning atmosphere that is fun and enjoyable for the students.
This Catholic School centres its activities on the teachings of Christ and strives to imbibe good morals in the young ones. It has faithfully served the families of the parish and local community for 50 wonderful years and has never faltered.
Contact Information
Telephone: 020 8868 2961
Website: https://marlboroughprimary.school
Email: office@st-johnfisher.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @SJFHarrow
Headteacher: Mrs. M T Forrest
8. St. George’s Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy
Rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted in November 2013, St. George’s is a Catholic Voluntary Academy located at Sudbury Hill, Harrow, HA1 3SB. The mixed school offers admission to students aged from 2 to 11.
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This larger-than-average-sized primary is a united community where everyone is valued, cared for, and respected. The competent team of teaching staff delivers lessons in a safe environment where learning is held in the highest regard.
They set exciting challenges for the pupils and then monitor them to make sure no one is lagging. This hands-on approach is the main reason why students of this beautiful school usually thrive in the next stage of their education.
Pupils usually leave this school as articulate, reliable, and ambitious students who always aim for the top. The school’s team of staff is always striving to lay exceptional examples which the students can always follow. The school currently nurtures 403 students but can engage and teach 436 students conveniently.
Contact Informationschool
Telephone: 020 8422 1272
Website: https://www.stgeorgesprimary.org/
Email: office@stgeorges.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @stjosephsharrow
Headteacher: Mrs. Deirdre Monaghan
9. West Lodge Primary School
Holding the penultimate position on this exciting list is West Lodge, a vibrant primary school located at West End Lane, Pinner, HA5 1AF. The school has 54.2% boys and 45.8% girls.
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The mixed school is an outstanding school that aims to provide exceptional and positive education in a working atmosphere that will promote the overall development of the young ones during their time in the school.
It aims to produce reliable, strong, and independent students who will always be a source of happiness to society. Students are also encouraged to learn basic computing skills as this is a required feature in the graduates of today.
The community primary school aims to provide quality education for every student who gets admitted into the school. It values the children’s education over anything, and it is always rooting for the students to succeed in their academics.
The school is always encouraging the students to engage in extracurricular activities such as sports and music. Students in the school usually participate in sports such as
Football, Tennis, Athletics, Gymnastics, etc. It also has a specialist sports coach who allows the children to challenge themselves to reach new attainments.
Contact Information
Tel: 020 8866 9836
Fax: 020 8866 3109
Website: https://www.westlodge.harrow.sch.uk/
Email: office@westlodge.harrow.sch.uk
Twitter: @WestLodgeSchool
Headteacher: Mr. J. Dees
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. K. McClean
SENCO: Mrs. H Haines
School Business Manager: Mrs. Larkman
10. East Lane Primary School
At the very bottom of this list is East Lane, a state school for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11. It is located at East Lane, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 3NT. It was rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in November 2019.
Additional Details
This mixed school is an exceptional learning center that welcomes and nurtures qualified students without any form of segregation or discrimination.
Students who graduate from this beautiful institution have been known to excel during their secondary education. This is due to the quality education and life-altering guidance offered by the school’s competent team of staff.
The school’s team of staff is always laying down positive examples that is usually mirrored by the young ones. East Lane is a peaceful and loving environment where students are encouraged to aim high in their academics. All students are treated with respect, and the teaching staff is always carrying everyone along to ensure collective success.
Contact Information
Tel: 0208 289 4600
Website: https://www.elps.co.uk/
Email: reception@elps.co.uk
Twitter: @PLSWembley
Headteacher: Mr. Alan McDougall
After a thorough perusal of this list, we believe you would have found some beautiful schools that fit your academic plans for the little ones. We do hope you make a great decision!
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