Our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Liverpool is based on Ofsted ratings and School progress school, this will help you make the best decision.
Liverpool is so boisterous with many fun activities and everyday bustling that you lose track of time such that before you know it, it is time for your child or ward to gain entrance into a primary school, hence the very headache of most parents.
This headache is no other than getting it right with the choice of the right primary school for that child ripe for primary school education.
Considerations like school fees, its affordability juxtaposed with the family income, the standard of the school, the potential of such a school to mold a child, and many more are bound to cross one’s mind.
A bridge between these numerous posers is the place of the right academic information to navigate a city housing an approximate population of 498,042 making it the tenth-largest English district by population according to the Eurostat of 2019.

- 1. Whitefield Primary School
- 2. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School
- 3. St. John’s Catholic Primary School
- 4. Faith Primary School
- 5. The Beacon Church of England Primary School
- 6. Liscard Primary School
- 7. Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and Nursery
- 8. St. Sila Church of England Primary School
- 9. New Park Primary School
- 10. St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
1. Whitefield Primary School
Sitting at the top of our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Liverpool is a fabulous learning institute that offers the highest standard of education to its enthusiastic and vibrant pupils.
It strives to nurture a cordial relationship with parents to foster unity and ensure development. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed from concerned parents and everyone is greatly valued and appreciated.
The school has approximately 170 pupils and a qualified team of teaching staff working tirelessly to create a warm and welcoming environment where pupils can learn, grow and explore their skills and abilities. It also aims to impart the students with a positive attitude so they can grow up to be happy and fulfilled young adults.
Contact Details:
Address: Whitefield Primary Academy, Stockholm Way Luton, Bedfordshire LU3 3SS
Telephone number: 01582 596108
Email: admin@whitefield.primaryluton.co.uk
Website: www.whitefieldprimaryacademy.com
Headteacher: Mrs J Christie
2. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School
Following closely is a wonderful institution that has a long and enviable tradition of serving the maritime parish of St. Vincent de Paul. Its mission statement is “Serving with Love, Striving for Excellence”.
It is a religious school that preaches the word and teachings of Christ in all of its doings. SVP aims to breed and nurture a successful set of pupils that would go on to do better things in life and become a positive influence in society.
Located at Pitt Street, Liverpool, the school is a mixed one-form-entry primary school that focuses on creating a welcoming environment where students can freely interact with the teachers and get advice on any issues they might be facing.
It accepts students from various areas of life welcomes them with open arms.
Contact Details:
Address: St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School, Pitt Street, Liverpool L1 5BY
Tel: 0151 709 2572
Fax: 0151 707 8942
Email: vincent-ao@st-vincentdepaul.liverpool.sch.uk
Website: https://stvincentdepaulprimary.co.uk
3. St. John’s Catholic Primary School
Third on this list is a well-known Catholic school that focuses on providing every individual pupil with meaningful and purposeful learning opportunities that will enrich their lives and allow them to develop in numerous areas.
The mixed school strives to create a peaceful, warm and inclusive atmosphere where every student is treated equally and fairly regardless of their religious, financial, or ethnic background.
The wonderful institution celebrates and develops the talents, interests, and gifts of each child as it believes that every child is talented in their own God chosen way. It serves the parish of St. Augustine and the Holy Trinity and also welcomes pupils from different religious backgrounds.
Contact Details:
Address: St John’s Catholic Primary School, Rochester Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2SY
Headteacher: Mr Shields
Telephone: 01474 534546
Email: office@st-johns-gravesend.kcsp.org.uk
Website: www.stjohnsprimary.kent.sch.uk
4. Faith Primary School
As a happy and loving Roman Catholic school, Faith Primary School aims to provide a sanctuary to ambitious pupils of ages 3 and 11.
It has approximately 190 pupils and a highly qualified team of enthusiastic teaching staff who are always equipping the students with academic knowledge and positive religious tea things to groom them into becoming great members of the community and great citizens of the country as a whole.
Located at Prince Edwin St, Liverpool, the mixed voluntary aided school has both nursery and primary classes with the capacity to contain 240 pupils. It also offers certain extracurricular activities that help to bring students out of their shell and engage with their fellow students.
Contact Details:
Address: Faith Primary School, Prince Edwin St, Liverpool L5 3LW
Telephone: 0151 233 5092
Email: ao@faithprimaryschool.co.uk
Website: https://www.faithprimary.co.uk
5. The Beacon Church of England Primary School
Ranking number five on our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Liverpool is a state school for boys and girls aged from 2 to 11. It strives to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where students feel safe enough to seek the help of their teachers whenever they need it.
The majority of pupils at this wonderful learning institute speaks English as their first language.
The religious school helps its pupils flourish academically and also takes proper care of their well-being.
Pupils of this school have a record of achieving top-tier academic progress without compromising their social lives. Extracurricular activities such as sports are highly encouraged.
Contact Details:
Address: Beacon CE Primary, Heyworth Street, Everton, Liverpool, Merseyside L5 3QG
Main Contact: Anna McGurk
Tel: 0151 263 4206
Email: BeaconBusinessManager@ldst.org.uk
Website: http://www.beaconceprimary.co.uk
6. Liscard Primary School
Liscard is a mixed primary school with an excellent track record of producing first-class pupils every year. Students at this school are self-dependent, self-confident, and demonstrates a positive enthusiastic attitude towards learning.
Its pupils are well behaved and they enjoy a cordial relationship with the school’s competent team of staff who are always guiding them towards a better path. The school monitors each student closely and intervenes whenever the need arises.
The teaching staff practices a one on one learning technique so that they will be aware once any pupil starts to fall behind in class. The school has gained numerous awards including Healthy Schools status, Eco Mark, Activemark, and Artsmark Gold, to name a few.
Contact Details:
Address: Liscard Primary School, Withens Lane, Wallasey, Wirral, CH45 7NQ
Tel: 0151 638 3910
Email: schooloffice@liscard.wirral.sch.uk
Website: www.liscard.wirral.sch.uk
7. Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and Nursery
Next on this wonderful list is a vibrant catholic school that welcomes pupils of all faiths and none. It is a unique community that strives to meet the need of every individual pupil irrespective of their religious or cultural background.
The school encourages parental visits at any moment and receives criticism or ideas from concerned parents, without prejudice or bias.
It pedals an exceptional curriculum and provides first-class care, guidance and support combine to give pupils the most wonderful experience throughout their stay in the school.
The mixed school admits students from all areas of life and welcomes them with open arms without segregation. The school has been inspected numerous times and has always passed with flying colors. The team of staff is always warm and welcoming to parents and guardians.
Contact Details:
Address: Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and Nursery Merry Hill Road, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 1SU
Tel: 01923 901179
Email: admin@sacredheart682.herts.sch.uk
Website: https://sacredheart682.herts.sch.uk
8. St. Sila Church of England Primary School
With the vision statement “Loving God and each other”, the religious school places great emphasis upon the well-being and personal development of every individual child and provided them with all that they will need to achieve great academic excellence.
It follows the way of Christ and ensures to impart positive knowledge and values in the pupils to help them develop into respectful and responsible members of the community.
It strives to provide a well-resourced, wide, and challenging curriculum with lots of opportunities to widen the pupils’ experiences through an extensive range of trips, visitors, and extra activities.
It also focuses on developing each child’s skills and abilities and helps them grow in a warm and nurturing environment.
Contact Details:
Address: St Silas CE Primary School, St Silas Road, Blackburn, BB2 6JP
Head Teacher: Michele Battersby
Phone Number: 01254 698447
Email Address: stsoffice@cidari.co.uk
Website: www.stsilasprimary.co.uk
9. New Park Primary School
Almost at the end of this list is a vibrant community school that focuses its resources on the development of each child by grooming them with a balanced curriculum that targets their strengths and weaknesses.
Pupils in this school are always improving with a lot of help from the school’s competent team of teaching staff. The team works tirelessly to create a safe atmosphere where students learn and improve in their academics.
Located at Butler Street, Liverpool, New Park maintains a cordial relationship with parents and always welcomes them with open arms at any given time. Issues between students are thoroughly checked out and necessary steps are taken to resolve conflicts in a non-violent manner.
Contact Details:
Address: New Park Primary School, 100 Boaler Street,Liverpool,Merseyside, L6 9EU.
Head Teacher: Mrs Karen Hutchings
Phone Number: 0151 263 4447
Email Address: c.barlow@newparkprimary.com
Website: https://www.newparkprimary.com
10. St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
At the very bottom of our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Liverpool is an excellent learning institute that strives to be a place of joy and positivity where everyone is welcome, loved, and forgiven.
It is a place where your child can grow religiously and academically. It believes that every student has their God-given talents and abilities which are expected to be nurtured and developed. It is a diverse community that prides itself on always doing what is best for the children.
With the mission statement “Peace, Love, and Understanding”, the school strives to create an inclusive environment where every student is treated with love and respect.
Pupils are encouraged to follow the path laid down by Christ as it is believed that this would help guide them towards a better way of life when they are no longer students of the school.
We believe now that you are familiar with the schools on this list, making a perfect decision concerning your child’s academic needs shouldn’t be too hard.
Contact Details:
Address: St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Fort Rd, Southampton SO19 2JE
General Enquiries: Miss B Bowers
Phone Number: 023 8044 8502
Email Address: info@st-patricks.southampton.sch.uk
Website: www.spcps.co.uk
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