Early life of child is the most importance stage in the life of a child because it influence and determine the structural, mental, psychological, and even spiritual strength of the child.
That is why emphasis is needed on the selection of basic school with a high standard and moral values so as to enable the child to grow to becoming relevant not just for the parent, but also for the society.
We have sorted out the Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough that we believe from our research will help any parent in Peterborough and its environs choose wisely for his/her children.
So here we go;
1. John Clare Primary School
John Clare Primary School is located at West Street, Helpston, Peterborough, PE6 7DX. John Clare is smaller than the average-sized primary school. It has four classes, all of which are mixed age. Most pupils are of White British heritage, with very few who speak English as an additional language and none at an early stage of learning English.
This is a good school. The head teacher has built on the strengths of the previous leadership and established a climate of high expectations for staff and pupils. One parent or career typically wrote, ‘We are delighted with John Clare School in every respect and feel that our children get the best start possible. Pupils achieve well.
They consistently reach above average standards in English and mathematics and they acquire good communication skills through the variety of learning experiences teachers provide for them. Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough
Pupils’ skills in information and communication technology (ICT) are well developed because they have access to computers for many aspects of their work.
2. The King’s (The Cathedral) School
The school has a large sixth-form that includes students who join the school in Year 12. A small proportion joins the school part-time from St John Fisher Catholic School. Since 2011 the school has included a small number of pupils in Years 3 to 6, some of whom are choristers at Peterborough Cathedral.
King’s is a Church of England school with close and historic links to the cathedral. The school converted to academy status in January 2011. This is an outstanding school. Pupils and students make excellent progress from well above average starting points in English and mathematics. They progress equally well across a wide range of other subjects.
They attain very high standards. High quality provision for pupils’ and students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development pervades the school. They develop as very reflective, caring, confident and well-informed individuals as a result. Teachers know their subjects extremely well.
Teaching is outstanding because staff are very effective in helping pupils and students make strong and sustained progress over time. They give excellent spoken feedback. The quality of marking is more variable. The school’s focus on making all lessons as engaging as the best is proving very successful.
Sharing approaches between staff, acting upon pupils’ and students’ views and involving them by leading aspects of learning are contributory factors. Pupils’ and students’ behavior is excellent; they develop extremely positive attitudes to learning. This is a school I can assure you of their strong spiritual content.
3. Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Number 3 on our list of Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough is Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Located at Tollgate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9XD. This is a good school. Pupils make good progress from Reception to Year 6 in reading, writing and mathematics.
Teaching is mainly good, with some outstanding in Years 5 and 6, particularly in mathematics. Pupils who speak English as an additional language and those from minority ethnic groups make good progress. Disabled pupils and those who have a statement of special educational needs are well cared for and make good progress.
The school makes good use of outdoor environmental study areas to provide a varied and interesting curriculum. Attitudes to learning are good and pupils enjoy coming to school and work well together.
Pupils feel safe in school, and it takes very careful steps to protect them. Leaders and managers have made improvements to the school, and have a good understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.
4. Orton Weston Primary School
The very large majority of pupils in Orton Wistow Primary School are from White British backgrounds. The school provides a good quality of education. Pupils make good progress as a result of good teaching, improved monitoring and evaluation procedures and close links with parents and carers.
Leaders and managers at every level, the governing body and all staff share a determination to raise attainment which is now showing good results.
One parent wrote about what the school offers: ‘This school does its best to address parents’ concerns and is willing to change tactics and styles with regards to teaching and discipline in order to find out what works best.’
Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. Pupil relationships with each other and adults are good. Pupils are confident that they can approach an adult about any difficulty. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural outcomes are outstanding and a strength of the school. That was just the 4th on our Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough.
5. Heritage Park
This is an outstanding school. The view of one parent, that ‘we cannot praise this school, its teachers and in particular its headteacher highly enough’ is echoed time and again by others. All aspects of the schools work are outstanding.
Pupils have achieved high attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 for each of the last 5 years, reflecting outstanding progress from their starting points on entry to the school. Sustained high attainment is the outcome of outstanding teaching, the rigorous use of assessment data, and to the highly effective management of additional support.
Teachers make learning interesting and enjoyable. Activities are challenging and thought-provoking. The school environment is vibrant. Teachers’ expectations are mirrored in pupils’ work.
Everything is of the highest quality, including the presentation of pupils’ work, which is exemplary. Enjoying our list of Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough?
6. St. John’s school
St John’s school has been at the heart of the community since 1844 and, although it’s changed over the years. They build a legacy that they can leave for future St Johnners. St. John’s School is an inclusive community of children, staff, parents, governors, friends and colleagues.
Everyone works together to provide the best quality education for all children and to equip them with the confidence to embrace our ever-changing world. We believe choosing a school is made easy with our list of Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough.
7. All Saint’s CofE
At All Saints’ School the history curriculum is delivered through active learning with the aim of developing historical skills, an understanding of chronology and knowledge of the aspects covered. This enables them to make links between aspects and become critical thinkers.
In the Early Years, the focus is upon the child’s own personal history and being able to order events throughout the day or across the week. At Key Stage 1 the emphasis is on the children learning about how things were in the past in relation to how they are now.
The children identify the similarities and differences between the past and modern day life. They learn about significantly influential past events and people, such as The Great Fire of London, Florence Nightingale and Alexander Graham Bell.
There is a strong emphasis on the children understanding the chronology of the events and being able to place the events in historic order using a timeline. Wherever possible, All Saints’ School incorporate visits, visitors and artefacts to support and enrich the children’s understanding of history. This makes good for children with the desire for art and culture.
8. Barnack school
Barnack School is an expanding and popular Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, which has seven classes, currently catering for 162 pupils. There is good access from the A1, with Stamford being the nearest town, and Peterborough some 10 miles away.
Classes now consist of single age groups with pupils at the school coming from a catchment of six villages surrounding Barnack, with a proportion from out of catchment.
The school has a well deserved reputation and record of high attainment and achievement, in our most recent Ofsted Inspection (July 2011), the school came out with an overall grading of Outstanding, and the staff and governors are focussed and committed to maintaining this high standard of excellence.
This corresponded with our church inspection, which praised our ethos and our approach to developing young learners into confident and successful individuals which makes it our number 8 on the list of our Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough.
9. Castor CofE
Castor C of E Primary School is a one form entry Voluntary Controlled Church of England School in the village of Castor, very close to Peterborough. The Fitzwilliam School was founded in 1829 by the Earl Fitzwilliam and took the place of the original village school, which was held in the church vestry.
10. Hampton Hargate Primary School
And lastly on the list of our Best 10 primary schools in Peterborough is Hampton Hargate Primary School. Hampton Hargate Primary School is a much larger than average primary school. The majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds. The school is a community school.
The proportions of pupils from minority ethnic groups and those who speak English as an additional language are broadly in line with the national average. Children in the Reception classes attend full-time. This is an outstanding school. Pupils’ achievement is outstanding across all Key Stages.
Their progress across a wide range of subjects, including English and mathematics, is rapid and sustained. This is because they receive well-timed and high quality support and intervention from teachers and other adults. The most able pupils enjoy the challenge they experience in lessons which results in them achieving very well.
Leaders and governors ensure that the school is a very happy, safe and secure place for pupils and staff. Pupils say they feel extremely safe in school.
I hope this article help your doubt and enable you make the right choice of school for your child.
Happy reading. Cheers.
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