Any child will benefit from a good education if they have a choice of schools. When parents get involved, great things will happen. School choice provides you with more chances to help your child achieve your goals.
You can be a powerful advocate for your child if you have options and facts about schools. We have successfully made a list and review of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington to make your decision easy to make.
We hope that these will really be helpful as you choose according to your best interest.
- Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington
- 1. Newdale Primary School & Nursery
- 2. Lawley Primary School
- 3. Millbrook Primary School
- 4. St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
- 5. St Peter’s Church of England Controlled Primary School, Bratton
- 6. Apley Wood Primary School
- 7. Short Wood Primary School
- 8. Hadley Learning Community – Primary Phase
- 9. Meadows Primary School and Nursery
- 10. Wrekin View Primary School
Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington
1. Newdale Primary School & Nursery
The first pick on our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington is Newdale Primary School and Nursery which is larger than the average-sized primary school. Children as young as two are accepted into the Nursery.
The majority of the students are White British. The percentage of poor students is higher than the national average. The percentage of students with special needs and/or disabilities is higher than the national average.
Address: Marlborough Way, Rock Road, Telford, TF3 5HA
Phone Number 01952387720
Number of Pupils is about 500
Number of Pupils per Teacher 24.2
2. Lawley Primary School
Lawley Primary School is founded on 5 core valuables which is Happiness, Courage, Respect, Friendship, Responsibility. When they draw correlations between what teachers say and do, students benefit from a positive example.
As a result, being able to recognize the same five beliefs in the school would help to ensure that staff standards and behavior are consistent.
This will allow and assist learners in regularly reflecting on and adapting their own behaviour. The school is committed to :encouraging better learners, with the help of their teachers, children are able to achieve more and reach higher standards.
Also, developing lifelong learners who have the knowledge, skills and learning attributes that enable them to be resilient and adaptable learners.
This will enable them to be equipped to deal with whatever challenges our rapidly changing world may hold for them.
Address : Off Arleston Lane, Lawley, Telford, TF4 2PR
Phone Number 01952388410
Number of Pupils 415
Number of Pupils per Teacher 22.9
3. Millbrook Primary School
At Millbrook every child is considered an important individual, with specific qualities, needs and talents for us to recognise and nurture.
All the children at Millbrook Primary will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which will help them develop the range of skills needed to play a full part in society and become confident caring individuals.
We understand that starting school is a very special time in any child’s life and we believe in building up a strong partnership between home and school. By working together with them, they can create the best opportunities for your child to succeed.
We want your children to enjoy their time at Millbrook.
Website http://www.millbrookprimary.org.uk
Address : Grainger Drive, Leegomery, Telford, TF1 6UJ
Phone Number 01952387640
Number of Pupils 435
Number of Pupils per Teacher 22.1
4. St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, which is the 5th on our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington, nearly all pupils are from White British backgrounds.
A growing number of pupils are from other European countries and speak English as an additional language.
A below-average proportion of pupils are supported by the pupil premium, which provides additional funding for groups such as pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those in local authority care.
Number of Pupils 256
Number of Pupils per Teacher 22.2
Website: http://www.blessededwardcampion.co.uk
Address North Road, Wellington, Telford, TF1 3ER
Phone Number 01952386160
5. St Peter’s Church of England Controlled Primary School, Bratton
Still reading our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington, where St. Peter’s is number 5 and it is an outstanding school having a delightful learning ethos that ensures pupils thrive throughout their time in school, and leave thoroughly well prepared for their next steps in education.
Consistently high expectations of what pupils can achieve are insistently held by the headteacher and staff. Teachers systematically encourage high quality levels of speaking and listening skills from the outset.
Reading is very well taught, and pupils’ enjoyment of reading is sustained throughout the school.
Number of Pupils 412
Number of Pupils per Teacher 29.5
Website http://www.brattonstpeters.org.uk/
Address Squirrel Meadow, Bratton, Telford, TF5 0NT
Phone Number 01952387980
6. Apley Wood Primary School
A school, in our opinion, should be about giving our children the freedom to explore and learn.
Apley Wood aspire to grow happy, inspired, and confident children who display empathy and understanding for others and work hard to reach their full potential through inspiring teaching and learning.
The system is committed to providing a high-quality learning atmosphere and inspiring teaching that will result in the growth of happy and active pupils within an inclusive academic culture at Apley Wood Primary School.
Website http://www.apleywoodprimaryschool.org.uk
Address Pool Farm Avenue, Apley, Telford, TF1 6FQ
Phone Number 01952386180
Number of Pupils 417
Number of Pupils per Teacher 24.6
7. Short Wood Primary School
Number 7 of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington is a culturally diverse school; governors and all staff encourage and respect all cultures and faiths.
The school work alongside children and encourage them to have aspirations and set high expectations for themselves. There are first class facilities throughout the school with light, airy classrooms and excellent facilities for sports and the arts.
Short Wood is surrounded by a beautiful green space; we have Forest Schools activities happening everyday and use the outdoors for learning all year round.
We also have extensive playing fields with provision for football, athletics, rounders, cricket and rugby.
The school hall and gymnasium are used for indoor activities and training sessions and, with Arthog Outreach based in our Sports Hall, there is a climbing wall fitted and a low ropes course.
Website http://www.shortwoodprimaryschool.com
Address Limekiln Lane, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2JA
Phone Number 01952387360
8. Hadley Learning Community – Primary Phase
Hadley Learning Community is an all-through school for students from 3 – 16 years of age located in the community of Hadley in central Telford.
They have a fantastic 21st Century Learning campus, with outstanding learning facilities, which was purpose built to serve our community.
The school opened on the 1st September 2006 and is a £70 million PFI project, in partnership with Interserve, which represents a major investment by the Borough of Telford and Wrekin Council.
Interserve provides all of their facilities management on site and work closely with us every day to maintain a high quality environment for our students, staff and community.
Address Waterloo Road, Hadley, Telford, TF1 5NU
Phone Number 01952387088
Website http://www.hadleylearningcommunity.org.uk/
Number of Pupils 603
Number of Pupils per Teacher 24.0
9. Meadows Primary School and Nursery
This is a school where good teaching with some that is outstanding, notably in the early years, ensures that pupils make good progress in a wide range of subjects, including English and mathematics, in every year group.
Pupils show a keen interest in learning and behave well in lessons and around the school. All pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs or disability, make at least good progress from their starting points.
Address Riddings Close, Ketley, Telford, TF1 5HF
Phone Number 01952386230
Number of Pupils 455
Number of Pupils per Teacher 21.2
10. Wrekin View Primary School
The number 10 of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Wellington is larger than average sized primary school, committed to knowing every child and family.
As a result they are able to support ‘the whole child’ and ensure that every pupil can develop academically, socially and emotionally to their fullest.
Wrekin View Primary School is extremely proud of the education they offer the children. Every learning area is well resourced with state of the art ICT.
There are extensive outdoor learning opportunities with our specially dedicated Forest School Area, large playing fields and an all year round Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).
They are also able to boast wonderful views of the famous WrekinThe teaching staff at Wrekin View work hard to deliver a broad balanced curriculum that provides enjoyment and valuable learning experiences.
Every child will gain the opportunity to take part in memorable events such as trips, visits and having special visitors coming to the school to inspire us.
These opportunities will help every child to develop their 21st century skills to use as they embark on a journey of lifelong learning.
Website http://www.wrekinviewprimary.co.uk/
Address North Road, Wellington, Telford, TF1 3ES
Phone Number 01952388088
Number of Pupils 436
Number of Pupils per Teacher 21.5
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