Children will enter secondary school once they have finished their elementary schooling. Primary school ends and secondary school begins at different ages in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland: England, 11; Scotland, 12; Wales, 11; Northern Ireland, 11/12. Secondary schools generally teach pupils from 11/12 to 16 years old, however some schools offer all of their instructional resources in one facility.
A secondary school is an institution that delivers secondary education, as well as the facility in which it is delivered. Some secondary schools provide both lower secondary (ages 12 to 15) and upper secondary (ages 15 to 18), or ISCED levels 2 and 3, although they can also be given in different institutions, as in the American middle and high school systems.
It encourages children to participate in the advantages of the community in which they live and effectively contribute to the sustainability and development of that society. Here you have the list of the Best 10 Secondary Schools in Redbridge.
1. Ilford County High School
Our school accepts young people from all backgrounds and throughout the local community. They offer their pupils the chance to be the free, caring, and inspiring leaders their world needs to inspire the future generation.
As a grammar school, they are understandably proud of their reputation for university brilliance, but it is only one aspect of their pupils’ first-class education.
They urge young men attending ICHS to be actively involved, take responsibility, and exhibit leadership at the school and in the larger community.
It fosters athletic, artistic, and cultural interests. It offers challenges to students within a supportive environment that allows them to develop their character and leave ICHS mature, confident, and balanced young adults.
ICHS students have the personal characteristics, resilience, and commitment to open the doors to the “best” in further education and jobs. ICHS is a nice and joyful school with high learning and behavior requirements.
Their comprehensive and balanced curriculum enables individual pupils to develop their niche. They are delighted to offer a wide choice of art, science, and language topics along with Mathematics and Science from the third key phase to the sixth level of their studies.
Within a friendly, joyous environment, the school motto Empowerment to Excel; By Learning Together underlines the significance of studying to respect one another and work hard to be the best.
The ideals of school integrity, courtesy, hard effort, and success are the heart of all they do. They create a solid basis for their kids to study bravely, knowing that they work in a friendly environment. Their personnel tries to inspire and help students in exploring new fields and achieving their best outcomes.
Contact Details
Address: Fremantle Road, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex, IG6 2JB
Phone: 020 8551 6496
Email: enquiries@ichs.org.uk
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/IlfordCountySch
Website: https://www.ichs.org.uk/

2. Valentines High School
Second on our list of Best 10 Secondary Schools in Redbridge is the Valentines High School, this school combines traditional principles of discipline, respect, and good conduct with leading-edge teaching and learning practices.
We try to make every member of the school community the best it can be. They aim to help their students to develop happy, educated, and successful young people.
They strive to equip their pupils for well-rounded, open-minded, and satisfied global citizens who have important qualifications to maximize their prospects after they are out of school. As a high-performance Leading Edge School, they try to offer their pupils the greatest amenities.
These include a sixth block format; state-of-the-art physical education facilities, including Astro-surf sports pitches and tennis courts; a fitness center, a sports hall, a theater study, and a music room.
The school is part of regional and national networks, including the SSAT, Leading Edge, and the Partnership for Education Development Trust Schools program.
They are indeed at the “leading edge” of new education and leave no stone behind in their quest for methods to better each student’s education experience. The school was last examined in 2006, and the inspection put us at the top of the list.
Exceptional attitudes to learning, behavior, teaching quality and results were observed, just as their diverse school community has attained harmony. Their motto in school is ‘Harmony, excellence,’ and all they do is to help us achieve this. Their code of conduct focuses on self-respect and respect for others.
They underline the importance of the atmosphere in which all religions and cultures are respected of spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education.
The school emphasizes the quality of the student experience. Their curricula and off-school possibilities develop the students’ character so that they can play a full role in and outside the school’s life.
Contact Details
Address: Valentines High School, Cranbrook Road, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6HX
Tel: 020 8554 3608
email: mail@valentines-sch.org.uk
3. Seven Kings
Seven Kings School is an all-through school that accepts students ages four to eighteen from the surrounding community. Seven Kings High School has a long and illustrious history as a top-performing, award-winning institution. They offer a diverse and well-balanced curriculum that allows all kids to excel.
They concentrate on teaching kids the tools they need to be great learners and instill a lifelong love of learning in them. Many enrichment options enhance the learning and development of students.
The success of the school is built on the work that takes place in the classroom. Students benefit from a devoted team of well-qualified and competent teachers and support staff who deliver excellent learning and teaching. Their work as a Teaching School helps maintain and improve the quality of the classroom experience.
Their students are eager, driven, and ambitious to succeed, and they maintain high standards of behavior and participation in class. As they go through school, they are encouraged to be more thoughtful and creative in their thinking and become more autonomous learners.
Every student will require guidance and encouragement to achieve success. Seven Kings’ goal is to fulfill individual needs by offering the appropriate challenge and support to guarantee students accomplish their maximum potential.
We help students achieve this by giving excellent instruction and responding to their needs to provide the appropriate level of stretch and challenge for pupils who require further assistance, such as those with learning disabilities. A variety of intervention and support programs are available.
They are proud of their school’s inclusive nature and strive to personalize learning and teaching so that every student can flourish. An organized home learning schedule is in place, and each student is provided a planner to assist them in managing their time and responsibilities.
Parents/caregivers are asked to check this at least once a week. At lunchtimes and after school, there are home learning support clubs to assist kids who require assistance. Learning Mentors and mentoring systems with both staff and student mentors are also available to assist pupils at the school.
Students at Seven Kings have various options to participate in extracurricular activities outside of the classroom. Outside of class, there are numerous groups and activities to participate in. Seven Kings’ staff is dedicated to providing a variety of possibilities for students to better their lives.
Subject-specific clubs, such as those in Art, Drama, Music, Science, Sport, and Technology, complement the curriculum, and numerous field trips and visits supplement classroom learning. We provide a variety of residential tours to destinations such as Paris, Spain, and China and outdoor activities, and a skiing vacation to Austria.
Students are encouraged to participate in competitions and to help the community in many ways. Their peer committees and student leadership programs aid in developing leadership abilities and allow students’ voices to be heard.
Each year, there are termly music performances and numerous drama shows to assist students in improving their performance abilities and self-confidence. The P.E. department runs many school teams, and they have had a lot of success in local contests.
Contact Detail
Address: Ley Street, Ilford, Essex, IG2 7BT
Tel: 0208 554 8935
Email: contact@sevenkings.school
Website: https://www.valentines-sch.org.uk/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SevenKingsSch
4. Woodbridge High School
Woodbridge High School, located in the center of Woodford, is a flourishing, ethnically diverse, and successful comprehensive secondary school. The school has a ten-form entry system, and each year group has 300 pupils.
The 420-student sixth form continues to thrive, with the majority of students going on beyond year 11. The teaching staff are all experts in their fields and are employed by the school long-term. The school receives many first-choice applications each year, with a record amount of first-choice spots given this year.
The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that caters to the needs of all pupils and leads them down the route to their desired careers. The school is a joyful, thriving, and mutually respected learning environment.
In the most recent Ofsted report, it is described as a place where “children have great possibilities to achieve progress” in a safe and happy setting. According to government statistics, students at Woodbridge consistently outperform their peers.
The school is dedicated to maintaining high standards and ensuring the success of all students. Their attitude, dubbed “The Woodbridge Way,” emphasizes the value of kindness, tolerance, diversity celebration, respect, and striving for excellence. The school’s motto, ‘Pride in Achievement,’ reinforces this.
A new expressive arts building, a new fitness suite, an artificial grass pitch, outdoor football areas, basketball nets, and table-tennis tables, a refurbished sports hall, state-of-the-art sound, and lighting system in the hall and a remodeled Sixth Form Study area with its café are among the first-class facilities available to Woodbridge students.
Contact Details
Address: St Barnabas Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 7DQ
Tel: 020 8504 9618
Fax: 020 8559 0487
e-mail: info@woodbridgehigh.co.uk
Website: http://www.woodbridgehigh.co.uk/
5. Oaks Park High School
Oaks Park High School is a community high school in Oaks Park, California. They are a high-achieving inclusive community school that places kids at the center of all they do. Every child has his or her own set of needs, qualities, and aspirations for the future.
As a result, the most crucial consideration should be that each child feels happy and protected at school; in these circumstances, they will thrive. Collaboration with parents and carers is critical; it has been a key component of their continued success in offering a high-quality education over the years.
At Oaks Park, its child-centered philosophy prioritizes each kid reach their full potential as the school’s goal, but it also aims to instill in each child the belief that success is possible for everyone. Everything they do is based on traditional beliefs.
Students are required to act professionally and show respect for themselves, others, and the environment. The vital factors that make Oaks Park High School exceptional are developing strong connections and pride in all aspects of school life.
Our curriculum in Years 7-13 guarantees that students have to control their learning and, as a result, control their future. It provides them with the currency they need to take their next exciting, informed, and ambitious steps in the world — knowledge and skills, test outcomes, and richer experiences.
It instills a sense of character in their students, based on the ideals enshrined in their motto, “Learning Together, Achieving Together.” It establishes a culture of kindness, hard effort, and striving for greatness that connects the school community.
The value of sports and extracurricular activities is emphasized heavily. Participation is strongly valued, and students are encouraged to participate in all elements of school to develop as young leaders and prepare for the workplace.
Their use of technology in all aspects of their work has proven to be a major success in providing the teaching and learning platform, processes, and experiences that today’s youth require.
Contact Details
Address: Oaks Park High School, 45-65 Oaks Ln, Ilford IG2 7PQ
Tel: 020 8590 2245
Website: https://oakspark.co.uk/
Email: admin@oakspark.redbridge.sch.uk
6. Ark Isaac Newton Academy
Isaac Newton Academy Secondary is a non-denominational, non-selective secondary school that welcomes girls and boys from all walks of life. In September 2012, the school welcomed only 180 Year 7 students.
Year after year, the secondary school has risen to 1200 pupils aged 11 to 18. (including 250 students in the Sixth Form). Isaac Newton Academy inaugurated a three-form entry primary school in purpose-built facilities next to the secondary academy in September 2014.
Each year group has 90 students, and it has grown one year group at a time, similar to the secondary school. They will have pupils in Reception through Year 6 starting in September 2020. Our faculty and staff work relentlessly to ensure that every student is encouraged and challenged to attain their greatest potential.
They are focused on reaching their goal of ‘equipping every student with the information, learning power, and character required for success at university and beyond.’
A dedication to their vision has already yielded many notable achievements, the most recent of which is the academy’s recognition as excellent in all areas by Ofsted in October 2018. The goal of Isaac Newton Academy is to provide every student with the information, learning ability, and character required for success in college and beyond.
The school established clear, ambitious goals and kept a close eye on their progress toward reaching them provide a curriculum that emphasizes key academic areas while also providing the facilities and expertise to meet and inspire a wider range of interests use a teaching method that instills knowledge, comprehension, and a desire to learn to make certain that all students, instructors, staff, and parents are fully committed to establishing Isaac Newton Academy a thriving learning community.
‘Great teachers believe in the development of intellect and talent, and they are enthralled by the learning process.’ Carol Dweck is a psychologist. They think that all students have the potential to achieve great educational outcomes at Isaac Newton Academy.
We know that the brain is similar to a muscle in that it improves with exercise. Scientists are discovering that humans have a greater ability for lifelong learning and brain development than they previously believed.
Even though everyone is born with different genetic make-up and has varied temperaments and abilities, they all understand the importance of experience, training, and work. It is not always the case that individuals who begin with the most intelligence finish up with the most intelligence.
Contact Details
Address: Isaac Newton Academy, 1 Cricklefield Place, Ilford IG1 1FY
Email: info@isaacnewtonacademy.org
Website: https://isaacnewtonacademy.org/
Telephone:020 8911 6666
7. Beal High School
Beal High School leads the Beacon Multi Academy Trust. They are dedicated to collaborating with The Forest Academy, The Beacon Business and Innovation Hub, and NELTA SCITT (School Centered Initial Teacher Training) to provide high-quality learning opportunities for all children.
It’s a vibrant, varied community with strong mutual respect and inclusive culture with high standards. Their pupils are exposed to a broad, varied curriculum that allows them to reach their full potential, resulting in great results and confident advancement for all.
We collaborate with colleagues, parents, and caregivers to ensure that their kids have access to a diverse curriculum that allows them to learn and grow as members of their campus and local communities. They foster a healthy learning culture where young people can aspire, be challenged, and flourish in a safe and purposeful environment.
Beal is a mixed, community comprehensive school with pupils ranging in age from 11 to 18 years old (including a small number of 19-year-olds in Year 13). They are England’s largest secondary school, with over 2,600 students enrolled (September 2018), including over 800 in the Sixth Form.
When students first arrive, they are sorted into 12 groups. The vast majority of their pupils are from the catchment region, and they take pride in the ethnic diversity of their town, which is represented in their student body.
The Beacon Communication School, for students with various social communication challenges, such as Autism and Asperger’s syndrome, is included on the Beal list. This course is severely oversubscribed, and a post-16 option has been developed.
Many of the children are incorporated into the larger school community for academic and social opportunities throughout the week.
Our 2018 Key Stage 4 exam results rank us in the top 20% of non-selective schools regarding attainment and advancement. Beal Sixth Form students achieve great results and growth, placing us in the top 25% schools.
Ninety percent of students continue to university, with 30 percent of these at Russell Group universities. Their A level and BTEC scores were evaluated as outstanding for improvement by ALPS in the summer of 2018. In Redbridge 2018, Beal Sixth Form was equal top for Post 16 advancement.
Contact Details
Address: Woodford Bridge Road Ilford, Essex IG4 5LP
Telephone: 020 8551 4954
Email: admin@bealhighschool.co.uk
Website: http://www.bealhighschool.co.uk
8. West Hatch High School
West Hatch, number eight on th e list of Best 10 Secondary Schools in Redbridge is a flourishing, diversified, and successful school that has enjoyed a strong reputation in the community for a long time. The school exudes a strong sense of belonging and tranquility.
West Hatch has a unique attitude; they are a family dedicated to all of their students achieving academic and personal success in their school and beyond by taking advantage of the resources they provide.
They help their students believe in themselves and have exceptionally high aspirations for their future at West Hatch. They give them opportunities to broaden their horizons, to become what they didn’t know they could be, and to believe in themselves and have exceptionally high aspirations for their future.
They make certain that their pupils have various changes throughout their stay at West Hatch to let them discover what is attainable for them in the future. We have a strong academic track record, and their team works tirelessly to guarantee that their pupils obtain great results.
From Year 7 to 13 and beyond, they develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary for success so that students can forge the finest potential vocations and lives. We are a forward-thinking, innovative school that believes in the highest possible standards of behavior for all kids to succeed.
The school slogan encourages everyone in the community to aspire to be “the greatest that they can be.” Their kids came up with this motto and the qualities that go with it: determination and perseverance; respect; responsibility; consideration; pride; readiness to succeed.
These values permeate all they do at the school and show their commitment to developing well-rounded kids who are successful learners and citizens.
Contact Details
Address: High Road Chigwell Essex IG7 5BT
T: 020 8504 8216
Email: admin1.com/Westhatchhigh1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/west-hatch-high-school
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westhatchofficial/?hl=en
9. Mayfield School
They support and challenge one another at Mayfield School to be the best they can be. This will seem different to every one of us in their community, which is why they work relentlessly with every student to ensure that they get the most out of the resources available to them.
They have an interesting curriculum with a wide selection of topics and credentials as part of their learning journey here and opportunities for enrichment, travel, visits, and experiences that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to achieve.
We have great expectations of one another. Every word and action they say and do is based on respect, responsibility, and professionalism. They seek to be independent, collaborative, creative, and resilient learners at the same time.
This is because they recognize that these characteristics enable students to make the most of their time together and develop into happy, confident, well-rounded individuals who can actively and positively contribute to the community they serve and society at large.
Contact Details
Address: Mayfield School, Pedley Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 1XE
Telephone: 020 8590 5211
Email: admin@mayfieldschool.net
10. Wanstead High School
The last on our list of Best 10 Secondary Schools in Redbridge is Wanstead High School. They support and challenge one another at Mayfield School to be the best they can be.
This will seem different to every one of us in their community, which is why they work relentlessly with every student to ensure that they get the most out of the resources available to them.
They have an interesting curriculum with a wide selection of topics and credentials as part of their learning journey here and opportunities for enrichment, travel, visits, and experiences that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to achieve.
We have great expectations of one another. Every word and action they say and do is based on respect, responsibility, and professionalism. They seek to be independent, collaborative, creative, and resilient learners at the same time.
This is because they recognize that these characteristics enable students to make the most of their time together and develop into happy, confident, well-rounded individuals who can actively and positively contribute to the community they serve and society at large.
Contact Details
Address: Redbridge Lane West London, E11 2JZ
Telephone: 0208 989 2791
Email: whs@wansteadhigh.co.uk
Website: https://www.wansteadhigh.co.uk/
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