In selection of school for a child, it can be so demanding not because there are no schools to admit your child but due to fear of uncertainty probably due to the fact that early years of a child is a determining factor for a child on who and what he/she will become of.
And every parents will always want the best of schools for her child. It is a joyous thing to see your child morally, academically, spiritually and mentally strong. So we have made it easy for you to select your choice school base on the standard these schools uphold in our research on the BEST 10 PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN HEREFORD.
1. Holmer CofE Academy
This is an average-sized Church of England school that became an academy in December 2011. The most recent section 48 inspection of the school’s religious character took place in February 2017.
Most pupils are of White British heritage. It is an outstanding school. They are uncompromising in their commitment to provide the highest quality education for all pupils. Expectations and standards are high.
The curriculum is thoughtfully planned and carefully implemented. It is supplemented by a wide range of high-quality activities and experiences.
2. Malbrook primary school
Pupils come to this large urban primary school from the surrounding estates. Most of these pupils have moderate learning difficulties. The great majority of pupils are White British and the largest minority are Indian.
The school meets the government’s current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress. This group collaborate in order to support school improvements.
3. St. Francis Xavier’s primary school
An atmosphere of calmness, tolerance and respect for each other permeates the school. This underpins very good spiritual, social, moral and cultural development, which helps prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.
It is a good school, though not yet as outstanding as Holmer CofE primary but it still retain the number 3 on the list of BEST 10 PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN HEREFORD.
4. St Martin’s Primary School
St Martin’s Primary School is larger than the average-sized primary school, it is located in Holly bush walk, Hereford, HR26AF. The school has arranged an informal collaboration with two local primary schools. This is a good school. Leaders have inspired the staff to share their vision and high expectations.
Together, they have made significant improvements to the school since the previous inspection. Leaders and governors have an accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses. They have developed a highly effective collaboration with two other local schools.
5. Trinity primary school
Good leadership and management have resulted in many improvements since the last inspection. Standards in English and mathematics have improved, and pupils are making good progress in every year group. This was part of the deciding factor to adding Trinity Primary school as one of the BEST 10 PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN HEREFORD.
Even More-able pupils made particularly good progress in Year 6 in 2013, and many pupils exceeded the level expected for their age in mathematics. And the school has successfully developed the skills of those who have leadership responsibilities.
6. Broadlands Primary School
Located in Broadlands lane, Hereford, HR1 1HY. Broadlands Primary School is part of a federation of three schools comprising one secondary school and two primary schools. There is one governing body for the federation. The school has the following strengths The executive headteacher, deputy and head of learning provide good leadership.
They have created staff stability and made many improvements, including making sure that more pupils attend school regularly. Pupils behave well, cooperate positively with each other and are polite and friendly. They have a good understanding of how to stay safe.
7. Riverside Primary school
This is a good school. From their typically low starting points, pupils achieve well. Pupils’ progress is regularly tracked by teachers, ensuring that interventions are timely and effective.
Good teaching helps pupils of all abilities and groups to make good progress. Typically, behaviour is good and makes a significant contribution to pupils’ learning and personal development. Pupils say that they feel safe in school.
8. St Paul’s CofE Primary School
This is a much larger than the average primary school of our BEST 10 PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN HEREFORD. The overwhelming majority of pupils are White British; a lower-than-average proportion are from minority ethnic groups. This is an outstanding school. High moral and spiritual values and beliefs underpin the school’s high achievement and pupils’ outstanding personal development.
This is an outstanding school. High moral and spiritual values and beliefs underpin the school’s high achievement and pupils’ outstanding personal development. Children get off to a flying start in Reception. All groups of pupils make huge strides in their learning throughout the school.
Pupils’ excellent progress in reading and mathematics last year raised standards considerably. A similar rapid improvement in writing this year is leading to much higher attainment in the subject. Teachers provide enjoyable activities that are often exciting and make pupils think hard.
Pupils are highly engaged by activities in lessons. They try hard and want to learn. Pupils’ behaviour is outstanding. They are smart, tolerant and kind each other. They feel very safe in school. Strong, but consultative leadership by the headteacher helps to develop staff skills.
9. Lord Scudamore Primary Academy
Lord Scudamore converted to become an academy school in February 2012. When its predecessor school, of the same name, was last inspected by Ofsted, it was judged to be good. It is the lead academy in the Herefordshire Marches Federation of Academies which includes four other academies.
Its catchment area is central Hereford with about half of the pupils coming from outside this area. It is a much larger-than-average primary school. . Very highly developed teaching programmes motivate pupils to do their best.
Behaviour is good in lessons because it is well-managed. Social behaviour around the academy is excellent. Pupils feel safe and understand how to keep so in different situations, for example when using the internet.
10. St Thomas Cantilupe CofE Academy
And lastly on the list of our BEST 10 PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN HEREFORD is St Thomas Cantilupe CofE Academy. The school is part of the Bishop Anthony Educational Trust and is governed by the board of trustees.
There is a local governing body that has delegated responsibility for key aspects of the school’s work, for example standards, the curriculum and the use of additional funding. This is an inadequate school Leaders and governors have not addressed the school’s weaknesses with the urgency required.
As a result, the school’s effectiveness has declined since the previous inspection. Capacity for improvement is weak. Lines of accountability between the multi-academy trust (MAT) and the local governing body are unclear. However, the school has the following strengths Leadership and teaching in the early years are good.
As a result, children make a strong start to their education. Pupils are keen to learn and want to do well. They are polite and respectful to others. The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics screening check has risen to be in line with that of pupils nationally. Leaders and staff support pupils’ personal development and welfare as well.
I hope this article is articulated enough for your understanding and help you to choose wisely the best school for your children. Happy reading!
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