The primary stage of education is a critical point in a child’s life and it needs to be carefully handled so we don’t end up complicating their academic future. This is the stage that forms their learning attitude and academic strength in the subsequent stages of their education.
There are lots of available choices of primary schools in the locale of Burnley and we realize how tasking it might be to have to pick one great school out of the numerous options.
To take such a burden off you, we have decided to narrow down the robust options to a manageable list of the Best 10 Primary Schools in Burnley. You will also find a lot of pertinent details about each school that is guaranteed to help you make an informed decision. Let’s begin!
- 1. Heasandford Primary School
- 2. Padiham Primary School
- 3. Rosewood Primary School
- 4. Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
- 5. Brunshaw Primary School
- 6. St James’ Lanehead Church of England Primary School
- 7. Wheatley Lane Methodist Primary School
- 8. Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School
- 9. Worsthorne Primary School
- 10. Holly Grove School
1. Heasandford Primary School
Taking the first position on our list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Burnley is Heasandford, an outstanding learning institution under the local authority of Lancashire. It is located at Williams Road, Burnley, BB10 3DA, England.
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Heasandford is a larger than the average-sized primary school that offers admission to boys and girls aged from 4 to 11. It provides exquisite education in a safe and happy environment where pupils are loved, cherished, and valued.
It is dedicated to developing the children’s social, mental, and emotional wellbeing by equipping them with positive values such as diligence, resilience, and discipline. Every child is engaged and motivated to work towards developing their future.
The school has small and manageable classes which is greatly advantageous as it allows the teachers to fully understand each child’s specific needs and tailor their lessons to solve them. It operates a breakfast club and some other social clubs meant for extracurricular activities.
The school accepts students from every faith and culture and teaches the students to embrace diversity. Discrimination is highly discouraged and every child is considered important.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 422009
Email: bursar@heasandford.lancs.sch.uk
Website: http://www.heasandford.co.uk
Twitter: @heasandford
Head Teacher: Mrs. Jackie Hall
2. Padiham Primary School
Coming second on this list is a mixed primary school with a passion for nurturing first-class students who will positively represent the school and their community wherever they go. It is located at Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ, England.
Additional Details:
Under the local authority of Lancashire, Padiham has proudly served the community of Burnley by providing outstanding education for both local and international students, in a warm and communicative environment where every child is given room to grow and flourish.
High expectations are set when it comes to what the pupils can achieve and this is evident in their performances. Pupils are provided with ample opportunities to learn about their local area, including taking a walk up Pendle Hill and also participating in an archaeological dig.
The teachers are always working closely with parents and carers to ensure the success of the young ones. Parents provide adequate support for the school and have always commended the valiant efforts of the teachers.
With a standard curriculum that has been designed to improve performance in all subjects, teachers can equip the students with the necessary knowledge required to achieve academic success. At Padiham, pupils are well behaved, and also respectful towards one another.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 772496
Email: head@padiham.lancs.sch.uk
Website: http://www.padiham.lancs.sch.uk/
Head Teacher: Mr S Purtill
3. Rosewood Primary School
Next on this list is Rosewood Primary School, a mixed non-selective school with over 400 students. Its population consists of 51.8% boys and 48.2% girls, according to Locrating. It was rated ‘Good’ after an inspection by Ofsted in 2019.
Additional Details:
Located at Rosewood Avenue, Burnley, BB11 2PH, England, Rosewood is a tight-knit community with a burning passion for excellence and a strong will to succeed. It strives to imbibe a love of lifelong learning in the young ones at an early age and encourages them to aim for the top.
It is under the local authority of Lancashire, and an impressive percentage of its students are eligible for free school meals. Students love the school environment and respect their teachers unequivocally.
With a student-to-teacher ratio of 23 to 1, pupils at this thriving institution get adequate attention and care, which is responsible for the high level of success found at the school. The level of absenteeism is low, as pupils are always eager to sit in class and learn.
Teachers have been known to be a good influence, as they also share the school’s relentless drive to succeed. Pupils usually do well in their early years and make even more significant progress as they grow.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282463790
Email: head@rosewood.lancs.sch.uk
Website: http://www.rosewood.lancs.sch.uk
Twitter: @rosewoodburnley
Head Teacher: Mrs Nerys A Hughes
4. Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
Being one of the most prestigious Church of England Schools in Burnley, Holy Trinity is a day school for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11. It is under the local authority of Lancashire and has over 200 students.
Additional Details:
Holy Trinity is a growing school located at Raglan Road, Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 4LB, England. It is a warm and happy place where every child matters and the drive to succeed is higher than anything. The school works hard to instill positive values in the children and raise them in the way of Christ.
It strives to make learning fun and exciting for the students by employing certain innovative methods when delivering education. Pupils are raised to be confident, respectful, and ambitious young adults who will go on to perform excellently in the subsequent stages of their education.
The voluntary aided school aims to equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the outside world. It is an inclusive school where children of all faiths and none are accepted and nurtured to reach their full potential.
With the mission statement ‘Growing and learning in Christ through faith, family, and friendship’, Holy Trinity preaches unity and tolerance among its staff and also students. Students are taught with a broad and balanced curriculum, by a team of competent and experienced teachers.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 434368
Email: head@holy-trinity23.lancsngfl.ac.uk
Website: www.holytrinit…fe.lancs.sch.uk
Twitter: @Holy_TrinityCE
Head Teacher: Mrs Alison Whitaker
5. Brunshaw Primary School
At the middle of our helpful list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Burnley is Brunshaw, a mixed community primary school with over 400 students. It is located at Morse Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 4PB, England, and offers admission to students aged from 3 to 11.
Additional Details:
This fantastic learning institution is a safe and learning-friendly environment where outstanding minds are nurtured and expectations are high.
It maintains the belief that children need to be properly shaped at such an early stage and therefore imbibes in them enviable values such as resilience, honesty, and empathy.
Pupils are given more opportunities to try again when they don’t succeed. They are always encouraged to work hard and stay focused to achieve their goals.
The school’s team of teaching and non-teaching staff are always available to care for and guide the young ones through every decision that needs to be made.
The teachers strive valiantly to equip the pupils with top-notch education, to prepare them for the challenge that lies ahead in their secondary education.
With a standard curriculum and a broad range of extracurricular activities, teachers can develop the children, not just academically but also socially, emotionally, and morally.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 423280
Email: head@brunshaw.co.uk
Website: http://www.brunshaw23.lancsngfl.ac.uk
Twitter: @BrunshawPrimary
Head Teacher: Mrs Gina Smith

6. St James’ Lanehead Church of England Primary School
Located at Briercliffe Road, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 2NH, England, St James’ Lanehead is regarded as one of the finest learning institutions in the Burnley locale. It is under the local authority of Lancashire and was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted after a thorough inspection back in December 2021.
Additional Details:
As a Church of England school, St James’ Lanehead believes in nurturing the children in the Christian way and helping them build a relationship with God. It maintains various innovative practices meant to bring the students out of their shells and push them to achieve their personal best.
Teachers have intimate knowledge of every child’s abilities and therefore know exactly how to fulfill their individual needs. Pupils are raised to be independent, confident, and empathetic. They are empowered by the sufficient care and attention provided by the teachers.
The school’s team of staff maintains a cordial relationship with parents and accepts every feedback without any form of animosity. The safety of every child is taken seriously as a lot of measures are put in place to tackle any form of danger before they happen.
The school strives to build the pupils’ social, mental, and educational wellbeing by providing a warm and loving environment. It has a wide range of outstanding indoor and outdoor facilities meant to give the children a pleasant experience all through their stay in the school.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 426833
Email: head@st-james89.lancsngfl.ac.uk
Website: http://www.st-jameslanehead.lancs.sch.uk/
Head Teacher: Mrs Michelle Dugdale
7. Wheatley Lane Methodist Primary School
Wheatley Lane is a voluntary aided mixed school with over 200 students and a passion to ensure success for all. It is a religious environment where children are taught to be tolerant of one another, and respect authority.
Additional Details:
The school is located at Fence, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 9ED, England, and is under the local authority of Lancashire. It provides spectacular foundational education for pupils in a safe and happy setting.
The school believes in developing the whole child and therefore focuses on other aspects of the child’s life besides building them intellectually. They also imbibe in them important social skills such as discipline, honesty, and empathy.
This helps them grow to become well-adjusted and well-rounded members of the community who will always contribute positively to the development of society.
The teachers understand that every child learns at different rates, and therefore tailors the lessons to meet each pupil’s individual needs, to ensure the success of everyone. They tutor the students with a wide curriculum that includes all the core subjects and topics.
Teachers have a proper understanding of their respective fields and have extensive experience in foundational education. They work hard to prepare the young ones for the academic future that lies ahead.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 617214
Email: head@wheatley.lancsngfl.ac.uk
Website: www.wheatleylane.lancs.sch.uk/
Twitter: @WheatleyLaneSch
Head Teacher: Mrs Tracy Hallows
8. Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School
Next on this list is another voluntary aided primary school that provides education for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11 in a safe and learning-friendly environment. It is located at Wellfield Drive, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 0JD, England.
Additional Details:
Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School is a thriving learning institution with a long-standing history of serving the community of Burnley by providing an exceptional education for the local pupils and also some international ones as well.
It strongly believes that every child has their own unique gifts and should therefore be provided with equal opportunities and resources required to help them reach their full potential. Students love to learn, and they are always encouraged to face new challenges.
The school ensures to make adequate provisions for students with Special Education Needs. It has links with its founding churches, Padiham Road Methodist and All Saints Church of England. Pupils are encouraged and aided to build a solid relationship with God and practice the teachings of the Church.
The school works hard to maintain a solid relationship with parents, to ensure the progress of the school. It has a supportive group of parents called “Friends of Wellfield Church School”, a group that arranges a lot of beneficial fundraising events all through the school year.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 436935
Email: bursar@wellfield.lancsngfl.ac.uk
Website: www.wellfield.lancs.sch.uk
Twitter: @WheatleyLaneSch
Head Teacher: Mrs Maria Ellel
9. Worsthorne Primary School
As we approach the end of this amazing list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Burnley, we will be taking a proper look at Worsthorne, a mixed community primary school located at Brownside Road, Worsthorne, Burnley, Lancashire, BB10 3LR, England. It was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted in February 2018.
Additional Details:
This excellent learning institution provides foundational education for boys and girls aged from 4 to 11 in a peaceful and loving environment. It is committed to raising outstanding students who will represent the school excellently wherever they go.
The students are taught to believe in themselves, and also their teachers who constantly serve as perfect guides for them. Pupils look up to their teachers and respect the school management. The school continues to brag about the positive attitude displayed by the young ones towards their academics.
The school’s team of staff is dedicated to keeping the children safe and happy. They deliver top-notch lessons using numerous enviable methods that aid easy comprehension on the part of the students.
The school has large playing fields and grounds where different extracurricular activities take place. Students often participate in competitive sporting activities such as football and the like. Parents have always spoken highly of the school in every aspect.
Contact Information
Phone Number: 01282 425690
Email: head@worsthorne.lancsngfl.ac.uk
Website: www.worsthorne.lancs.sch.uk
Twitter: @WorsthorneSchl
Head Teacher: Mrs Sarah Nicholls
10. Holly Grove School
Taking the Tenth position on our list is Holly Grove, a state special school for boys and girls aged from 2 to 11. It is located at Burnley Campus, Barden Lane, Burnley, BB10 1JD, England and has over 100 students.
Additional Details:
The school strives to maintain a warm and communicative environment where pupils feel confident to fully express their feelings and concerns. They are nurtured to become independent and ambitious students who will go on to perform excellently in their second stage of education.
Students are taught with a broad and balanced curriculum meant to challenge them and help them grow. The teachers offer them abundant advice and guidance and this helps to develop them socially and emotionally.
Smooth communication between home and school helps to accelerate students’ progress. Parents are always welcome to visit the school and their opinions are considered important. Teachers and students provide adequate support for the new intakes, to make the transition very easy for them.
Pupils are rarely absent from school as they have been infused with enthusiasm for learning and achieving academic excellence. They are polite to their peers and display a high level of respect towards their teachers.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 01282 682278
Email: school@holly-grove.lancs.sch.uk
Website: http://www.holly-grove.lancs.sch.uk
Twitter: @HollyGrovePSch
Head Teacher: Ms Karen Alty
That concludes our fantastic list of Best 10 Primary Schools in Burnley. We hope that after a thorough reading, you will find your desired learning institution.
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